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Property Investment Series

STOP and take a breath.

  • Is Property Investment even right for you?
  • Is there a future for Property Investment in New Zealand?

A Property Investment series like no other.

We investigate all of the options and ask the hard questions, so you have clarity for your Property Investment journey.

What questions do you want answered?

Designed to accelerate your success, while holding tight to those and what’s around you. Success doesn’t have to come at a cost.

All from the comfort of your home.

27 Property Experts, all sharing their knowledge.

We are not, an investor that made it 15 years ago telling you how they did it, in a vastly different environment. We are not an investment company telling you how great property is so you sign up to our programme.

We are a group of 27 independent property people sharing knowledge.

Knowledge so you can make an informed decision around the best property strategy for you.


Why the Property Investment MINI and MEGA series?

There is no doubting history and it tell us that property investment can be a fantastic strategy for building wealth. There are plenty of success stories out there, BUT there are also plenty of failures.

  • What strategy will work best for you?

There are so many ways to invest in property, the “online” MINI and MEGA series is about giving you clarity on what investment strategy will work for you, to accelerate your personal vision of success.

  • Are you a hands off and wait investor – Does this sound like you?
  • Are you keen to get hands on and create wealth – Does this sound like you?

Now the beauty with property is you can position yourself anywhere in between. The key is finding the strategy that works for you. This is what really sets those that have succeeded apart from those that have stumbled and struggled along the way.

Find out more