The “Real” Balance in Business
Far from the traditional thinking of work- life balance
At BE we look at “Business” a little differently. “Business” can be defined as “being actively engaged in an activity”, at BE our approach is that to achieve your ultimate vision of “success” requires knowledge and focus across both your “Professional Business” and “Personal Business”. Very simply, being engaged in your work life and your home life. Maintaining a balance across these two aspects is critical to your ultimate dream. This is what our framework does. Through the experiences on my journey, it is these “Personal” and “Professional” Pillars, and the framework we have developed around these, that sets us apart or makes us different from other Business Educators.
We have adapted, added to, and improved the framework so that it suits everyone. It is a framework that inspires, allows you to identify what you do not know, provides you with adaptable tools and guidance and connects you with a support network. A framework that you can follow, step by step. A framework that focuses on “Personal” and “Professional”.
Our “Personal” and “Professional” Pillars and the development of these is unique and really does make the long-held business mantra of “work / life balance” a reality.